Michael Nolan
links for 2010-06-10
Think inside the box « Web Services Web Services Blog: Think inside the box http://bit.ly/bQxk2D (tags: via:packrati.us) Is Twitter down? Check status and report outages at downrightnow @MikeNolan You may want to try http://downrightnow.com/twitter instead – it's pretty useful – Mimas News (MimasNews) http://twitter.com/MimasNews/statuses/15851071743 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@MimasNews) In praise of continuous deployment: The WordPress.com story…
links for 2010-06-09
Sliding Door Effect from Queness For the Hi website? (tags: jquery javascript webdesign) University of Derby – Student Support Centres @MikeNolan I would probably have a mobile version of this as well (if you have similar) – http://ask.derby.ac.uk/current/index.jsp – Deborah Fern (webpackets) http://twitter.com/webpackets/statuses/15776635085 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@webpackets) Today's Guardian Lovely simple Guardian reader. (tags: guardian ipad…
links for 2010-06-08
Three UK Unis reject Google Mail as Cloud email platform | PublicTechnology.net FUD FUD FUD FUD FUD. (tags: microsoft gmail liveatedu google highered cloud) Steve Rumsby, Cloud storage: Dropbox vs. Humyo @MikeNolan My initial thoughts here: http://bit.ly/9zpzsY. The main consideration is cost, but Humyo also seems more flexible. – Steve Rumsby (steverumsby) http://twitter.com/steverumsby/statuses/15693718801 (tags: via:packrati.us…
links for 2010-06-07
BrowserCam : Screen capture and Remote Access service for cross platform compatibility testing and HTML design quality assurance. @MikeNolan I swear by BrowserCam myself http://bit.ly/16W5BU – Peter J Barnes (scruffian_peej) http://twitter.com/scruffian_peej/statuses/15622616952 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@scruffian_peej) UKOLN | Events | Mobile Applications | 21 July 2010 | Home A one day introductory event examing how to develop…
Domino’s coming to Ormskirk?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikenolan/4677589003/ Continuing my series of posts about businesses that may or may not be coming to Ormskirk something interesting came into my inbox this morning. PlanningAlerts.com is a site which monitors council websites for planning applications in your specified areas and sends you an email when new applications appear. This morning one came up for…
links for 2010-06-06
Keeping Your Inbox Empty with Gmail – Part 2 “@iambrianyoung: http://bit.ly/dbtUKE keep your inbox empty w gmail” yeah, yeah, I know I should be doing this better. (tags: via:packrati.us) 5 Jun 2010 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Honey Fungus live at Burscough St John's Parish Centre. http://flic.kr/p/87RW3X (tags: via:packrati.us) GPSTagr: geotag flickr photos using GPS…
links for 2010-06-05
4 Jun 2010 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Got a few "alerts" from LJMU's iPhone app today. Useful. http://flic.kr/p/87GKPb http://flic.kr/p/87GKJq (tags: via:packrati.us) 4 Jun 2010 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Got a few "alerts" from LJMU's iPhone app today. Useful. http://flic.kr/p/87GKPb http://flic.kr/p/87GKJq (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-06-04
4 Jun 2010 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Nice Flat White from Bold Street Coffee. @amcewen Worth a try sometime. http://flic.kr/p/87xpLr (tags: via:packrati.us) COINS: publishing data from the database – HM Treasury RT @frabcus: Yay! You can download the COINS database of Government spending here http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/coins – well done everyo … (tags: via:packrati.us) Archives «…
links for 2010-06-03
Western Campus on Flickr – Photo Sharing! Trying not to let the lovely day outside distract me from the session I'm in at #solstice2010. http://flic.kr/p/87j1iv (tags: via:packrati.us solstice2010) England's World Cup hometown tributes | Football | guardian.co.uk Stephen Warnock, Ormskirk. (tags: guardian ormskirk football) Dropbox – You're invited to join Dropbox! – Online backup, file…
links for 2010-06-02
Is there something slightly "sleazy" about this tweet: http://twitter.com/HayleyEnergize/status/15255798979 Is there something slightly "sleazy" about this tweet: http://twitter.com/HayleyEnergize/status/15255798979 (tags: via:packrati.us) Facebook Privacy « Web Services Web Services Blog: Facebook Privacy http://bit.ly/dyaewY (tags: via:packrati.us) Summarizr – http://twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/solstice2010 Tomorrow is #solstice2010 at @edgehill University. I shall be there. TwapperKeeper: http://j.mp/dxeSFO and Summarizr: http://j.mp/dj1wmf (tags: via:packrati.us solstice2010) Twapper…