Michael Nolan
links for 2010-07-12
First #iwmw10 session starting shortly. Will be tweeting on @MikeNolanLive. — at The Edge http://gowal.la/r/ustU First #iwmw10 session starting shortly. Will be tweeting on @MikeNolanLive. — at The Edge http://gowal.la/r/ustU (tags: via:packrati.us iwmw10)
links for 2010-07-08
Supermarket giant Lidl wants to turn Ormskirk Comrades Club into store – Skelmersdale Advertiser Possibility of a Lidl coming to Ormskirk: http://bit.ly/cM0Rp2 < is there enough space on that site? (tags: via:packrati.us) PULLtag.com Does anyone want to join my "PullTag" team for #iwmw10? http://pulltag.com/ Not that it's *my* team but currently I'm a billynomates 🙁…
links for 2010-07-07
Stop: Hammer Time | Flickr – Photo Sharing! @garygre You mean like this: http://flic.kr/p/8gCcmS 🙂 (tags: via:packrati.us) Using comic strip tools to create content (tags: alisongow journalism comic) Argleton: A story of maps, maths and motorways by Suw Charman-Anderson » Argleton Fields — Kickstarter “Aughton, my boy, Aughton.” Not many people speaking like that round…
links for 2010-07-06
BBC News – In pictures: New look for BBC News website Don't think I can cope with the inevitable complaints about the #bbcnews redesign – please launch when I'm on holiday! http://j.mp/boFhXZ (tags: via:packrati.us bbcnews) IWMW 2010 | Blog | Slate My Website… and Your Website? Suggestion for #iwmw10 barcamp session "Slate My Website": http://j.mp/iwmw-slatemysebsite…
links for 2010-07-05
Weekend Slideshows « 125 by 125 RT @edgehill: Lots more photos from the weekend in two slideshows: http://j.mp/dd8pWp (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-07-04
Staff Anniversary Celebration « 125 by 125 RT @edgehill: Photos from today's 125th Anniversary Celebration on the Ormskirk campus: http://j.mp/aPl3CF <<< hopefully more soon! (tags: via:packrati.us) Don't ask Dr Google: How the worryingly poor online medical advice could affect your health | Mail Online RT @currybet: Beyond irony. Mail "Don't ask Dr Google" health scare…
links for 2010-07-03
Slate My Website @jon_atkinson If you want to do the session, my slides to introduce the "rules" are here: http://bit.ly/9A6mZj #slatemywebsite #bcblackpool (tags: bcblackpool via:packrati.us slatemywebsite) Anniversary Celebrations Weekend « 125 by 125 RT @edgehill: The Alumni Anniversary Celebration Weekend is getting underway: http://j.mp/brBVFZ (tags: via:packrati.us) PublicAccess @ West Lancashire Borough Council: Application Details (2010/0736/COU)…
links for 2010-07-02
| Flickr – Photo Sharing! @beerspotr:argleton brewery:liverpoolonebrewery pub:stanleyarms http://flic.kr/p/8f8tJF (tags: via:packrati.us) | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Post-Argleton pint with @Mister_Roy in the Stanley Arms. http://flic.kr/p/8fbMxN (tags: via:packrati.us) Apple Admits iPhone 4 Reception Issues, Promises Software Fix in a Few Weeks RT @dvdsmpsn: The problem is not the reception but the # of bars being displayed:…
links for 2010-07-01
Controlling the website animal « Boagworld "The Link On The Homepage That Receives The Least Clicks Will Be Automatically Replaced.": http://j.mp/dgmE2H #via:@boagworld (tags: via:packrati.us via:@boagworld) The University of Liverpool @MikeNolan The competition is somewhat more staid, with no social media links. Not even an RSS feed in sight. http://bit.ly/9DSLiV – Christopher_R (Christopher_R) http://twitter.com/Christopher_R/statuses/17495511862 (tags: via:packrati.us…
links for 2010-06-30
Style Matters « Web Services Web Services Blog: Style Matters http://bit.ly/dwC3Tw (tags: via:packrati.us) Avertible catastrophe RT @derickr: Gulf Oil Spill… why not let the Dutch handle it … http://www.financialpost.com/Avertible+catastrophe/3203808/story.html (tags: via:packrati.us) Fight the system. « Boagworld Signed up for the repeat @boagworld webinar: http://j.mp/9QHJIW about "fighting the system". Hopefully I'm not part of the system!…