Michael Nolan
links for 2010-08-11
Designing the new Campaign Monitor iOS icons – Blog – Campaign Monitor Designing iPhone icons for iPhone 4's higher resolution display. (tags: iphone ios webdesign webdev apple icons icon) Presentation Zen: Lawrence Lessig on remix (redux) Another great talk from Lessig. (tags: presentation presentationzen lessig ted tedx) Speakers for August #SMCLIV | Social Media Cafe…
links for 2010-08-10
Westmorland Gazette | Flickr – Photo Sharing! This headline from the Westmorland Gazette amused me more than it probably should have. http://flic.kr/p/8r5rtD (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-08-09
JS1k, 1k Javascript demo contest RT @m1ke_ellis: 1kb javascript demos. Very impressive. http://bit.ly/9UvShi – via @emargee (cc @psychemedia) (tags: via:packrati.us) Ash Green’s cluttered little mind » Red Rose 2010 "Well, that’s happened. 18 months of planning, several things to look after, and a funeral for a good friend." (tags: ashgreen redrose) West Lancashire Scouts host…
links for 2010-07-30
xkcd: University Website Hope we're not quite this bad: http://xkcd.com/773/ #via:@jonhickman (tags: via:packrati.us via:@jonhickman) Death of the web team? RT @pigsonthewing: I read: "Death of the web team?" http://icio.us/ouh5ca (tags: via:packrati.us) My car is cleaner than it has been for three years. And doesn't smell of poo any more. on Flickr – Photo Sharing! My…
links for 2010-07-29
This is the packaging of a company that knew they'd be giving cases away for free. on Flickr – Photo Sharing! This is the packaging of a company that knew they'd be giving cases away for free. http://flic.kr/p/8numWX (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-07-28
Microsoft Street Slide: it's electric! (video) — Engadget Nice advance from Microsoft on Google's Street View idea. (tags: microsoft engadget streetview maps panorama) BBC – BBC Internet Blog: BBC News website's content management and publishing systems Great insight into how the BBC publish news. Read it before the anti-redesign trolls turn up! (tags: bbc bbcnews…
links for 2010-07-27
The End of History: On a Budget « Tom Scott RT @tomscott: "The End of History on a Budget". This might get me a restraining order from Brewdog. http://j.mp/bCZb00 /cc @baron_orm (tags: via:packrati.us brewdog beer tomscott) Xibo Open Source Digital Signage (tags: digitalsignage) Audioboo / Setup an internal blog for your web team RT @boagworld:…
links for 2010-07-26
Who you calling a mug? « 125 by 125 Found this on my desk this morning: http://j.mp/dwzm45 <<< think someone's trying to tell me something? 😉 (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-07-24
FleetStreetBlues: Daily Star – total journalism fail RT @ed_walker86: A correction of epic proportions from the Daily Star. @ciaranjones1 will like this one: http://bit.ly/9lQOir (tags: via:packrati.us) YouTube – 4-square – 1989 intro @MikeNolan Start with this harrowing video footage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PW_rUMvRUo – Gareth Evans (horrordwarf) http://twitter.com/horrordwarf/statuses/19414799773 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@horrordwarf) Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/mzl9cj – Uploaded by…
links for 2010-07-23
| Flickr – Photo Sharing! @zedzdead I could only find a bottle 🙂 http://flic.kr/p/8m2Spd (tags: via:packrati.us) Lasagne FTW on Twitpic “@craigrigby: Awesome… http://twitpic.com/27uu17” <<< why has no one thought of this before? (tags: via:packrati.us) iphone dictionary autocorrect – Super User This has pissed me off for *months* – if I'd realised it was so simple…