Michael Nolan

  • links for 2010-08-25

    Best UK University Web Sites – According to Sixth Formers « UK Web Focus Wondering how long I can/should put off responding to the Times Higher article about uni websites: http://j.mp/cdWoQP (tags: via:packrati.us) Accessing http://www.facebook.com in @chromebrowser 6 beta redirects me to https:// – is this a new feature? Accessing http://www.facebook.com in @chromebrowser 6 beta…

  • links for 2010-08-24

    Hugh Garry: 5 things I found out the hard way "5 things I found out the hard way" by @huey: "It's not sad checking your email when you are holiday" http://bit.ly/cMIxK1 (tags: via:packrati.us) TEDxSheffield Who's this "Robert Scott" presenting at TEDxSheffield? Is it @tomscott in disguise? http://j.mp/8Znyhp (tags: via:packrati.us) BBC News – 'Hallowed ground'? A…

  • links for 2010-08-23

    .@ldpcreative @dailypostnews You should fix your website without www: http://ldpcreative.co.uk/ !! .@ldpcreative @dailypostnews You should fix your website without www: http://ldpcreative.co.uk/ !! (tags: via:packrati.us) Don't Copy That Floppy – Blog – Etre Don't Copy That Floppy! http://bit.ly/bc3bkF /via @sigriffin @dvdsmpsn (tags: via:packrati.us) Charlie Brooker | 'Ground Zero mosque'? The reality is less provocative | Comment…

  • links for 2010-08-22

    @mcroston and @craigrigby | Flickr – Photo Sharing! @mcroston and @craigrigby http://flic.kr/p/8udhLq (tags: via:packrati.us) Web Angels | Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) @MikeNolan should we have something like http://www.hlss.mmu.ac.uk/idea/webangels/links.php for EHU? – Ste Daniels (stedaniels) http://twitter.com/stedaniels/statuses/21757918995 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@stedaniels)

  • links for 2010-08-21

    Martin Hamilton's blog: Google Apps in UK HE survey results RT @martin_hamilton: New blog post: Google Apps in UK HE survey results – http://bit.ly/9oIItK (tags: via:packrati.us) Digital Transcriber – Free Transcription Software Player (tags: accessibility audio transcription caption captioning subtitles)

  • links for 2010-08-20

    Media Queries Various media queries for targeting mobile devices, etc. (tags: css css3 mediaqueries media mobile w3c webstandards) John Cater on NW Tonight talking clearing @edgehill | TweetPhoto RT @HerniaBernia: John Cater on NW Tonight talking clearing @edgehill http://tweetphoto.com/40021767 (tags: via:packrati.us) Human vs Rat: The Maze Challenge « Tom Scott "A person running through a…

  • links for 2010-08-19

    jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile Nice looking interface but maybe not quick enough for our liking. (tags: jquery mobile webdev webdesign ios android) BBC News – People over 25 too busy to volunteer for Big Society Apparently 60% of people in my age group are "too busy to volunteer": http://bbc.in/97ieQX >>> there's not such thing…

  • links for 2010-08-17

    BBC – Dimensions – Index Nice little demonstration of sizes. (tags: bbc dimensions statistics infographics via:ellielovell) Twitter / Tweet Button Twitter fills more "holes". (tags: twitter microblogging blog widgets webdev webdesign) How do I share my campaign on Facebook? – Campaign Monitor Simple way to allow users to share an email campaign. (tags: campaignmonitor email…

  • links for 2010-08-16

    Amphib. Land rover seen on Leeds Liverpool at Leigh. | TweetPhoto RT @barrypenge2: Amphib. Land rover seen on Leeds Liverpool at Leigh. http://tweetphoto.com/39361194 (tags: via:packrati.us) PGCE Survival Guide (#pgcetips) « Tales from a Newly Qualified Teacher "It’s full of useful and practical, hints, tips and advice from recent PGCE graduates and more experienced teachers covering…

  • links for 2010-08-12

    Presentation Zen: The visual transformation of Bill Gates the presenter Changes in the presentation style of Bill Gates. (tags: presentationzen presentation billgates) Asda plan for Ormskirk goes to appeal – Skelmersdale Advertiser Anyone got examples of Asda running "small convenience stores" elsewhere in the country or are they talking BS? http://j.mp/b6jKA6 (tags: via:packrati.us) Red Rose…