Michael Nolan
links for 2010-09-08
Supermarket Special Offers UK/Deals Coffee deals. (tags: coffee specialoffers supermarkets) How To Create A Better Meta Box In WordPress Post Editing Page – Deluxe Blog Tips And add some custom fields for each post type. (tags: custom-post-type customfields wordpress) Custom post types in WordPress Creating custom post types in WordPress 3 looks remarkably simple. (tags:…
links for 2010-09-07
194 Radio City | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Old "194 Radio City" sticker in an @edgehill window. /cc @RadioCity967 http://flic.kr/p/8yV8HM (tags: via:packrati.us) tinySrc Nice quick and dirty way to resize images for mobile devices. (tags: image images mobile webdesign resize) Gareth Dowling Edge Hill University RT @garethdowling: Gareth Dowling Edge Hill University blog – follow!…
links for 2010-09-05
@beerspotr bottle:samueladams 4.8% brewery:bostonbeercompany pub:frankieandbennys | Flickr – Photo Sharing! @beerspotr bottle:samueladams 4.8% brewery:bostonbeercompany pub:frankieandbennys http://flic.kr/p/8y5foL (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-09-03
Courses | Study | Edge Hill University @kevr1990 Most courses in online prospectus have module lists: http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/study/courses (tags: via:packrati.us) Old boiler house at @edgehill coming down. | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Old boiler house at @edgehill coming down. http://flic.kr/p/8xLhW5 (tags: via:packrati.us) Now just one man aged under 25 works in a state nursery school –…
links for 2010-09-01
Dropbox – You're invited to join Dropbox! – Online backup, file sync and sharing made easy. Not entirely sure how but I just got another 250MB free @dropbox storage. (Wasn't a referral but if you want to join: http://db.tt/THFeGBb) (tags: via:packrati.us) Edge Hill retro-fashion « 125 by 125 Guest post from @Mister_Roy for @edgehill125 blog:…
links for 2010-08-30
Mercury Queen tribute | | By Michael Nolan (mikenolan) Qik – Mercury Queen tribute by Michael Nolan http://qik.ly/CJmI9 (tags: via:packrati.us) Mathew Street Festival: Williamson Square | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Mathew Street Festival: Williamson Square http://flic.kr/p/8wjxoR (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-08-29
Can you tell me how to find Topshop? « Web Services Web Services Blog: Can you tell me how to find Topshop? http://bit.ly/96iY3u (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-08-28
Can you tell me how to find Topshop? « Web Services "Can you tell me how to find Topshop?" http://j.mp/cvRwSU <<< more mystery locations on @googlemaps #argleton (tags: argleton via:packrati.us) Handling Social Media Overload « Web Services Web Services Blog: Handling Social Media Overload http://bit.ly/9LRCQM (tags: via:packrati.us) Handling Social Media Overload « Web Services Finally…
links for 2010-08-27
xkcd: University Website @MikeNolan http://www.xkcd.com/773/ – Kirst (doubleshiny) http://twitter.com/doubleshiny/statuses/22273655543 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@doubleshiny) Howfuckedismydatabase.com Oh dear, we use MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite and MS Access: http://j.mp/9g4vCL /via @pip (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-08-26
YouTube – More details on "track on steroids:" DataSift Very interesting video about DataSift. http://t.co/VMbBK3w (tags: via:packrati.us) Your presentation 'Handling Social Media Overload' (http://j.mp/cvT1gN) is featured on the SlideShare homepage #smcliv | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Your presentation 'Handling Social Media Overload' is featured on the SlideShare homepage #smcliv http://j.mp/cvT1gN http://flic.kr/p/8vxNSu (tags: smcliv via:packrati.us) Star…