Michael Nolan
links for 2010-10-12
If you do this in an email, I hate you – The Oatmeal Dear lusers, Please learn how email works. Regards, Michael. http://bit.ly/a60mj8 /via @m1ke_ellis @laurakfrancis (tags: via:packrati.us) Twtpoll :: As a North-East based PHP'er, would you like to meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month? #phpne (via @phpne) RT @phpne: As a North-East…
links for 2010-10-11
Was going to get a coffee but then this came in. | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Was going to get a coffee but then this came in. http://flic.kr/p/8J6KTi (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-10-10
@MikeNolan you spoke too soon! on Twitpic @MikeNolan you spoke too soon! http://twitpic.com/2w2vw7 – Andy Davies (zedzdead) http://twitter.com/zedzdead/status/26865035379 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@zedzdead)
links for 2010-10-08
Digimap OpenStream The Digimap OpenStream service provides access to a Web Map Service (WMS) offering Ordnance Survey OpenData products. (tags: maps mapping edina digimap ordnancesurvey) ie6 RT @garethjms: RT @qwghlm: IE6 simulator is here btw http://bit.ly/b3x0iY (cc @oliverbudworth) <- That made me laugh. (tags: via:packrati.us) 0Boxer This is entirely cool. I'm going to be inbox…
links for 2010-10-07
Warwick Live RT @WarwicKnowledge: Live chat NOW with @sallyballard, trained journalist, about writing for publication. Join the chat: http://bit.ly/c … (tags: via:packrati.us) BBC iPlayer – The Apprentice: Series 6: Bangers This is the funniest thing on #theapprentice ever: http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/v7sg9/?t=52m20s (tags: via:packrati.us theapprentice) Google is bucket testing me on Twitpic RT @francoisz: Google is bucket testing…
links for 2010-10-06
Measuring the benefits & impact of Scouting on Former Members: Have Your Say! Survey RT @UKScouting: Take part in our UK Scout survey for people who were once youth members of Scouting. It takes about 20 minutes… http … (tags: via:packrati.us) Weekend Replay: Intense Ending for “The Cube” | BuzzerBlog RT @tomscott: The Cube is,…
links for 2010-10-04
G Carvalho Projetos | Brands of the World | Download vector logos and logotypes @MikeNolan Ok Logocop! http://bit.ly/9Zolut http://bit.ly/bEJ5WX Would only take another min to find you some more if you like. – Lets Go Global (LetsGoGlobal) http://twitter.com/LetsGoGlobal/status/26359627881 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@LetsGoGlobal) G12 | Brands of the World | Download vector logos and logotypes @MikeNolan Ok…
links for 2010-10-02
Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/j04msyj – Uploaded by MarkPower RT @MarkPower: I do love London http://yfrog.com/j04msyj (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-10-01
Echo360 – the Rewind Revolution (tags: fote10) ACU Connected – Mobile Learning Initiative (tags: acu mobile elearning via:@jeremyspeller fote10) Sleep (or how to hack your brain) | Dustin Curtis @MikeNolan good morning Mike! And if you need longer working hours try http://bit.ly/aAHgko #polyphasic, have great day in the big smoke! – Proactive Paul (proactivepaul) http://twitter.com/proactivepaul/status/26050214971…
links for 2010-09-30
OU Linked Data – The Open University RT @davebriggs: http://data.open.ac.uk/ (tags: via:packrati.us)