Michael Nolan

  • links for 2010-12-18

    Twitpic – Share photos on Twitter RT @samontheweb: Never seen 2 feet of snow? Love this one: http://twitpic.com/3h11vo (tags: via:packrati.us) Reporters Sans Frontières – Open letter to President Obama and General Attorney Holder regarding possible criminal prosecution against Julian Assange RT @wikileaks: Reporters Without Borders shares concerns of US prosecuting WikiLeaks’ staff. http://bit.ly/hyT2bh (tags: via:packrati.us)…

  • links for 2010-12-16

    @UtilitiesPig http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15176928113721344 > http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15177300949598208 @UtilitiesPig http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15176928113721344 > http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15177300949598208 (tags: via:packrati.us) @UtilitiesPig http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15176928113721344 > http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15177300949598208 @UtilitiesPig http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15176928113721344 > http://twitter.com/MikeNolan/status/15177300949598208 (tags: via:packrati.us) College Students on the Web: User Experience Guidelines (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) Very interesting research into student website behaviour: http://goo.gl/wq5Lh (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2010-12-15

    Trends For University Web Site Search Engines « UK Web Focus “@briankelly: Trends for Uni Web site search: http://bit.ly/gOn8hs” need to find time to reply. Google solutions still failing users IMO. (tags: via:packrati.us) Facebook | Visualizing Friendships

  • links for 2010-12-14

    the framley examiner If you haven't seen it already (it's been around for years), check out the awesome Framley Examiner Advert Calendar: http://goo.gl/LXqey (tags: via:packrati.us) The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page – Formstack Could potentially result in pages looking a bit samey if we used this everywhere but it's a good start for what…

  • links for 2010-12-13

    It's back! Aldi's (in)famous cat tent now COMES IN 4 COLOURS! http://goo.gl/jic65 #via:@craigrigby It's back! Aldi's (in)famous cat tent now COMES IN 4 COLOURS! http://goo.gl/jic65 #via:@craigrigby (tags: via:packrati.us via:@craigrigby) ALDI – Thursday Special Buys 16th December 2010 @MikeNolan http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/special_buys3_16724.htm …. comes in 4 colours! – Craig Rigby (craigrigby) http://twitter.com/craigrigby/status/14284381816365056 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@craigrigby) Jeremy Vine to…

  • links for 2010-12-11

    Christmas Gifts under £10 Outdoor Gear Shop – Alpkit To my secret santa buyer – the under £10 page on Alpkit would be a great place to start: http://goo.gl/yevli #hint #hint (tags: via:packrati.us hint)

  • links for 2010-12-10

    Adrian Chiles to host ITV1 talkshow | Media | guardian.co.uk “@mediaguardian: Adrian Chiles to host ITV1 talkshow http://gu.com/p/2ymcf/tf” another reason not to watch ITV. (tags: via:packrati.us) Was 2010 the year of Open Data? « Web Services @MikeNolan also has a couple of good posts in @EHUWebservices 25 days of blogging too: http://bit.ly/hzuVb2 http://bit.ly/hb8HWL – Andy…

  • links for 2010-12-09

    Michael Nolan Burglars stole thousands of pounds of footwear from an Ormskirk shop… but only took right feet! http://goo.gl/xC3lM /via @OSAdvertiser (tags: via:packrati.us) Social Media Cafe Liverpool End of Term Talk « Michael Nolan My slides from #smcliv tonight: http://goo.gl/cJAye (tags: smcliv via:packrati.us) #smcliv | Flickr – Photo Sharing! #smcliv http://flic.kr/p/8Zst9m (tags: smcliv via:packrati.us) Social…

  • Social Media Cafe Liverpool End of Term Talk

    As Alison suggested, please feel free to leave your cool videos in the comments!

  • links for 2010-12-08

    Location history for liverpubcrawl on mapme.at @MikeNolan there's always http://MapMe.at/where/liverpubcrawl – more social and might embarrass a few people! – John McKerrell (mcknut) http://twitter.com/mcknut/status/12488434882977792 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@mcknut) General Election 2010 – 92Rewind – OpenLearn – Open University @MikeNolan The OU's OpenLearn site did a Twitter 92Rewind campaign during elections that won us an e-learning award…