Michael Nolan
links for 2010-12-28
YouTube – Simpsons Pilot Commentary RT @feelinglistless: Simpsons Pilot Commentary http://ff.im/-vVzwg (tags: via:packrati.us) Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/h368486891j – Shared by clairelsutton @mikenolan tesco finest beer is reet good. Chocolate and coffee flavour beer. Can't go wrong really. http://yfrog.com/h368486891j – Claire Sutton (clairelsutton) http://twitter.com/clairelsutton/status/19481880487268352 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@clairelsutton)
links for 2010-12-27
£13m ‘egg’ building to transform Ormskirk’s Edge Hill university – Liverpool News – News – Liverpool Daily Post Nice article about @edgehill's new building: http://j.mp/hKb0I4 but what is Dave Oldham doing giving quotes out on Boxing Day?! (tags: via:packrati.us) Stellar Cafetieres @rosiebunny 12 cup version: http://j.mp/gKngmL available from place on Hanover St (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-12-26
FixMyStreet Game: Login RT @billt: Off for a walk? Feeling socially minded? Try @mysociety 's new mobile game: http://fmsgame.mysociety.org (mobile only…) and … (tags: via:packrati.us) Just in case you needed reminding, it's not Christmas any more. #bah #humbug | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Just in case you needed reminding, it's not Christmas any more. #bah…
links for 2010-12-25
Twitpic – Share photos on Twitter RT @Hendy14: Burst pipe sending water gushing skywards. Our water pressure is very low as a result. Hope they repair it soon! http://twi … (tags: via:packrati.us) Think it was a bit cold in my car last night. | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Think it was a bit cold in…
links for 2010-12-24
xkcd: Incident RT @unnamedculprit: Horrifically geeky, though rather funny! http://xkcd.com/838/ (tags: via:packrati.us) Missing white woman syndrome – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Posted without comment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_white_woman_syndrome – Jonathan Deamer (JonathanDeamer) http://twitter.com/JonathanDeamer/status/18085473486372864 (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-12-23
YOURLS + Twitter for iPhone (UPDATE: TweetDeck Too!) « Viper007Bond.com (tags: yourls shorturl) SEO link building service | Build one way links | High quality one way link building @MikeNolan New SEO link building website allows you to submit articles & get thousands of high quality, one-way links. http://bit.ly/iiQba8 – Malachi Tatters (Maisiemxg) http://twitter.com/Maisiemxg/status/17689198861492225 (tags:…
links for 2010-12-22
RT @Plip: One of @WiganCouncil's gritters : http://bit.ly/eT6kY3 RT @Plip: One of @WiganCouncil's gritters : http://bit.ly/eT6kY3 (tags: via:packrati.us) 24 ways: A Contentmas Epiphany This is the thing I'm going to be doing after Christmas. Promise. (tags: content webdesign content-strategy management)
links for 2010-12-21
Volkside | Introducing Wirify: The web as wireframes (tags: wireframe tools design webdesign via:steve_pd) Google Ngram Viewer RT @Christopher_R: Weapons of Mass Destruction graph of popularity. Zeppelins win. http://bit.ly/fJIK1I (tags: via:packrati.us) YouTube – The Day Today – Peter O'Hanrahanrahan More The Day Today genius as a tribute to Brian Hanrahan: http://goo.gl/bfdnV (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2010-12-20
YouTube – The Day Today – Peter O'Hanra-Hanrahan Sad news that Brian Hanrahan has died – inspiration for one of The Day Today's great characters: http://goo.gl/TTFuH (tags: via:packrati.us) This dude out here is a living example of a #lonelytweet on Twitpic @MikeNolan Rembrandtfelix RT rihanna: TheRiRiFreak_ hmmmm…def has sumn to do with meat and balls,…
links for 2010-12-19
Niagara Falls ran dry: Photos show moment iconic waterfall came to standstilll | Mail Online RT @amcafee: Photos from when Niagara Falls went dry(!?!?!) in 1969: http://bit.ly/gWLMGi (tags: via:packrati.us)