Michael Nolan
links for 2011-01-30
PHPExcel (tags: xml php library webdev excel spreadsheets)
links for 2011-01-28
The Ha Ha Club opens in Burscough – Crosby Herald Wow, the @crosbyherald are running a comp where you can enter on the back of a sealed down envelope. Is it 1987 again? http://goo.gl/K1OAS (tags: via:packrati.us) YouTube – Adele – Someone Like You [Later… With Jools Holland] [HD] …me if it is heartbreaking or if…
links for 2011-01-27
Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/h4zxccbj – Shared by clairelsutton @mikenolan very nice on iPad too. Sometimes things like that don't work well on it but I approve! :o) http://yfrog.com/h4zxccbj – Claire Sutton (clairelsutton) http://twitter.com/clairelsutton/status/30621997507551232 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@clairelsutton) My Blackboard @clairelsutton Can you login to GO? How about http://edgehill.blackboard.com/ ? (tags: via:packrati.us) END OF SHOW » Editorial…
links for 2011-01-25
SoundCloud » Blog Archive » Calling All Podcasters! @mikenolan Edge Hill gets a mention >SoundCloud launches a beta prog to bring your shows alive with real-time comm…. http://bit.ly/dHhPt7 – Defnetmedia (Defnetmedia) http://twitter.com/Defnetmedia/status/29582583717171200 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@Defnetmedia) My Favorite Higher Ed Photo Cliches – mStoner – Blog Damn this blog post: http://goo.gl/BY7BB – I now can't look…
links for 2011-01-24
@mariekeguy I've had these headphones at work for about a year – http://amzn.to/ffcXik – fantastic at the price. @mariekeguy I've had these headphones at work for about a year – http://amzn.to/ffcXik – fantastic at the price. (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-01-21
Lush Cosmetics Credit due to @lushltd for how they've handled website compromise: http://www.lush.co.uk/ (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-01-15
Channelography Channelography is pretty damn cool: http://channelography.rattlecentral.com/ (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-01-14
Institutional Use of Twitter by Russell Group Universities « UK Web Focus “@cloggingchris: blog post from @briankelly on institutional twitter use http://bit.ly/dILMjz” it's always about the Russell Group… :-/ (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-01-13
Helena Kennedy Foundation RT @doubleshiny: Students who are going to Uni in September – a list of grants you can apply for http://www.hkf.org.uk/awards_2011.php (tags: via:packrati.us) Booking open for Ignite Liverpool 8th February 2011 | Ignite Liverpool RT @Defnetmedia: Bookings wise Ignite Liverpool leads over Social media Cafe by 11 bookings to 8 #smcliv http://j.mp/fbr233 #igniteliv…
links for 2011-01-12
@emmarush I've got these at work – excellent value for money: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0007XJSQC/ @emmarush I've got these at work – excellent value for money: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0007XJSQC/ (tags: via:packrati.us)