Michael Nolan
links for 2011-02-28
mikenolan's Activities | RunKeeper @osfameron none of the others are on Twitter. This is route: http://bit.ly/gWxyRw (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-02-27
The Best Picture on the Internet RT @miltonline: I was initially sceptical of such a claim. But yes, it is. RT @DanHarkin: Best picture on the internet: http://bit.ly/dXKk0c (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-02-25
RT @junysb3: jquery mobile and phonegap presentation: http://bit.ly/e3JMuA RT @junysb3: jquery mobile and phonegap presentation: http://bit.ly/e3JMuA (tags: via:packrati.us) Grasmere Gingerbread Shop @jpdale if you hotfoot it down to UH there might be some Grasmere Gingerbread left! http://bit.ly/hwotY2 requires teeth made from diamonds! (tags: via:packrati.us) @MikeNolan Let me help My coworker is a complete liar-watch this…
links for 2011-02-24
@MikeNolan Fantastic I have the video evidence – need your unbiased opinion: who is right? http://leco.gl/VVG Sensitive @MikeNolan Fantastic I have the video evidence – need your unbiased opinion: who is right? http://leco.gl/VVG Sensitive – Amy Calderon (AmyCalderon16) http://twitter.com/AmyCalderon16/status/40741052352708609 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@AmyCalderon16) @MikeNolan Friendly My landlord takes forever to fix anything..I documented on video. http://leco.gl/VQw…
links for 2011-02-23
Untitled | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Nice to see a QR code on this @LondonMidland trains poster. Less impressive that it doesn't have a mobile website. http://flic.kr/p/9kpaXn (tags: via:packrati.us) Crimes Against WordPress: How to Be a Real Jerk if You Make WordPress Themes and Plugins » Web Tech » SitePoint Blogs RT @davecoveney: 90% of…
links for 2011-02-22
RT @bcuwebmaster: they had one of these in Tesco, not sure if its cute or terrifying http://amzn.to/gt9Ow1 <<< MADE WITH *REAL* FUR!!! RT @bcuwebmaster: they had one of these in Tesco, not sure if its cute or terrifying http://amzn.to/gt9Ow1 <<< MADE WITH *REAL* FUR!!! (tags: via:packrati.us) Cost of Academic Journals – WhatDoTheyKnow @m8nd1 The Anglia…
links for 2011-02-21
Twitpic – Share photos and videos on Twitter RT @mr_spoon: Thank you University of Aberdeen for my lovely birthday email. The photos make the campus look amazing! http://twitpic.com … (tags: via:packrati.us) Centre for Local Policy Studies » Blog Archive » There is a Big Proposal Behind Cameron’s Big Society: Should We Care – Yes We…
links for 2011-02-19
P021711PS-0705 | Flickr – Photo Sharing! RT @jackschofield: Amazing picture of tech giants dinner with Obama (Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg etc) http://flic.kr/p/9j5ZDj RT @mikebutcher (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-02-17
Zipcast: Live broadcast presentations with slideshare « Steve Boneham's blog RT @sboneham: Blogged: Zipcasting – live broadcast presentations with slideshare: http://bit.ly/g2DZhK (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-02-16
the Data Liberation Front RT @martin_hamilton: Google exit strategy, should you ever need one… http://t.co/QELUvvH #ucc11 #guug11 <<< wish others did this too. (tags: via:packrati.us ucc11 guug11) BBC News Channel Olympics Countdown | Flickr – Photo Sharing! BBC News Channel Olympics Countdown – it's finally turned into The Day Today. http://flic.kr/p/9iqLDc (tags: via:packrati.us) Evening meet-ups…