Michael Nolan

  • links for 2011-03-31

    Our new web standards « Web Services Wondering how much of Bath Web Services' web standards framework we can get away with stealing… http://goo.gl/LY1wL (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-03-30

    Liverpool John Moores University to sell IM Marsh campus – Liverpool Local News – News – Liverpool Echo RT @Education_Ben: Another JMU exclusive. It's like waiting for a bus. This time why it's selling its IM Marsh Campus to developers. htt … (tags: via:packrati.us) 60 Completely Unusable Stock Photos: Pics, Videos, Links, News I challenge…

  • links for 2011-03-29

    CockUp Britain: a living market-place for the wide range of shortsighted government initiatives available on the web. CockUp Britain: http://t.co/yaHcTwK via @tomscott (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-03-28

    Serbia: Where can I buy tents in Belgrade? – Quora Quora: Serbia: Where can I buy tents in Belgrade? Answer: http://qr.ae/Zugi (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-03-26

    b3ta.com links @mikenolan sure you must have seen this? http://www.b3ta.com/links/Banned_University_of_Lincoln_commercial – John McKerrell (mcknut) http://twitter.com/mcknut/status/51371828786102272 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@mcknut) @MikeNolan Apple has gone nuts with all the free giveaways for the new iPad 2. Visit: http://bit.ly/hRHCq3 @MikeNolan Apple has gone nuts with all the free giveaways for the new iPad 2. Visit: http://bit.ly/hRHCq3 – Askvig (AskvigKREA)…

  • links for 2011-03-24

    Perfect wedding dress showing kinds of cheap wedding gown becomes more popular. @MikeNolan retarded program http://cheaptoryburchshop.com?=mta5 ambiguous pretty on your pretty feet, keen position, dishy feet. – Julie M. Hayslett (teboxata) http://twitter.com/teboxata/status/50928193309384704 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@teboxata) Which Font Should I Use? RT @tomscott: Right! Fine. Which Font Should I Use: http://whichfontshouldiuse.com Are you happy now, internet?…

  • links for 2011-03-23

    RT @davecoveney: Date set for Liverpool WordPress Interest Group! 30th March 2011, 6:30pm at our offices. http://bit.ly/glN01p Limited p … RT @davecoveney: Date set for Liverpool WordPress Interest Group! 30th March 2011, 6:30pm at our offices. http://bit.ly/glN01p Limited p … (tags: via:packrati.us) Hey Luddite! – How to send an email RT @dvdsmpsn: Share this with…

  • links for 2011-03-22

    User Perceptions of Public Wireless Network Security Survey If you have 5 minutes, maybe you could help an @edgehill 3rd year student by filling out this survey: http://ehu.ac.uk/152 (tags: via:packrati.us) Sendoid – Instant, Private, P2P File Transfers (tags: filesharing sendoid) Twitter Engineering: The Great Migration, the Winter of 2011 RT @stop: Amazing that our eng/ops…

  • links for 2011-03-17

    Doodle: MeetMe | Michael Nolan Quite like the idea of Doodle MeetMe: http://doodle.com/mikenolan but it requires me to keep accurate free/busy details for 5 calendars. (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-03-16

    @rosiebunny Here's one: http://ehu.ac.uk/13w.qr @rosiebunny Here's one: http://ehu.ac.uk/13w.qr (tags: via:packrati.us) BE – Real World Speeds @MikeNolan Hi Mike, have you raised a ticket? Check out these tips too, for optimizing your real world speed http://bit.ly/9iAsTn – BE Broadband (bebroadband) http://twitter.com/bebroadband/status/47950160810090496 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@bebroadband) Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done RT @reedyreedles: Dropbox Forms…