Michael Nolan
links for 2011-04-15
Help test our website « Web Services Web Services Blog: Help test our website http://ehu.ac.uk/16c (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-14
Rolling through the Campus Tour Video – and its budget: EM Strasbourg Business School | collegewebeditor.com This is a damn cool video campus tour: http://goo.gl/FvnIW #via:@karinejoly (tags: via:packrati.us via:@karinejoly) Pachube – data infrastructure for the Internet of Things – Office Temperature @MikeNolan they turned the heating off in the #rot29 building when it hit april…
links for 2011-04-13
Battle of the browsers | YouGov RT @YouGov: #Internet Explorer best known #browser among Brits but competitors like #Safari and #Chrome seen more positively http://bit. … (tags: Chrome browser Internet via:packrati.us Safari) RT @champnews: Southport pensioner hounded for payment of just £1 by Sefton Council: http://goo.gl/t5yUn <<< BREAKING NEWS! Slow news year?? RT @champnews: Southport…
links for 2011-04-12
Developing a new theme for Moodle 2.0 | University of St Andrews Web team Remind me again why we chose to "upgrade" to #blackboard… http://goo.gl/fl9Eo #via:@stawebteam #moodle (tags: moodle blackboard via:packrati.us via:@stawebteam) Kiara Vincent – Freedom of Information requests – WhatDoTheyKnow Kiara Vincent has been busy firing off FOI requests about full time students and…
links for 2011-04-11
Open letter to people who want to know how their MP votes — The Public Whip RT @osfameron: Help find a new home for Public Whip http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/openletter.php #ukdemocracy (tags: ukdemocracy via:packrati.us) Univ Student Blogs – Google Docs RT @nickdenardis: Does your university have blogs? #HigherEdLive is compiling a complete list, add your school here: http://j.mp/fw4Zs2…
links for 2011-04-08
@TheElpiniki @pacer142 It's not me on the instant! We also have one of these in the office for proper coffee: http://amzn.to/fGpBQf @TheElpiniki @pacer142 It's not me on the instant! We also have one of these in the office for proper coffee: http://amzn.to/fGpBQf (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-07
jquery.qrcode – jquery plugin for a pure browser qrcode generation RT @jon_atkinson: jquery.qrcode – jquery plugin for a pure browser qrcode generation http://t.co/OqLeYd8 (tags: via:packrati.us) BBC Nature – Arthropods videos, news and facts @MikeNolan An I bet you thought all arthropods where (a lot) smaller than you http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/life/Arthropod – Tom Scott (derivadow) http://twitter.com/derivadow/status/55911994976518144 (tags: via:packrati.us…
links for 2011-04-06
OMAC (Word)Pressing on « Web Services Web Services Blog: OMAC (Word)Pressing on http://ehu.ac.uk/15w (tags: via:packrati.us) Dropbox – You're invited to join Dropbox! – Online backup, file sync, and sharing made easy. You people are all using Dropbox, right? If not, sign up using my referral link and we'll get some extra space: http://db.tt/irMeOnk (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-05
BBC News – Scouts roll out national sex education programme BBC News – Scouts roll out national sex education programme – http://bbc.in/fFxe1h (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-01
@tshannon No – @m1ke_ellis was ranting about that recently 🙂 https://twitter.com/m1ke_ellis/status/51273266052075520 @tshannon No – @m1ke_ellis was ranting about that recently 🙂 https://twitter.com/m1ke_ellis/status/51273266052075520 (tags: via:packrati.us)