Michael Nolan
links for 2011-05-05
Beacon Park Fun Run, 4 May 2011 RT @Westlancsbc: Register now for the Beacon Park fun run & support #Ormskirk & District #Scouts. Sun 12 June http://t.co/8JFCy20 (tags: via:packrati.us Scouts Ormskirk) YouTube – Is your Cat confused about the referendum on the alternative vote on the 5th May? RT @kieranajp: Is your Cat confused about…
links for 2011-05-04
Confluence InPlace Editor plugin – Sectional editing of page Awesome OTT promo video. (tags: confluence plugin wiki via:pip) Be Usergroup IRC @MikeNolan Pop into IRC if you can, if no-one has showed up – http://irc.bethere.co.uk – BE Usergroup (beusergroup) http://twitter.com/beusergroup/status/65754577147928577 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@beusergroup) Missed appointments will be charged | Flickr – Photo Sharing! "Missed appointments…
links for 2011-05-02
mikenolan's Activities | RunKeeper Just completed a 16.07 km bike ride – Complete with a stop off at the Eagle and Child beer festival! http://rnkpr.com/ak4qmz #RunKeeper (tags: via:packrati.us RunKeeper)
links for 2011-04-30
Royal Wedding Street Party | Our Man Inside RT @Documentally: Wonder how many UK villages looked like this yesterday?.. http://bit.ly/iA6QNH (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-28
Two Cheers for AV “@ellielovell: Still not sure about AV? Analysis and discussion here http://t.co/gHOuTpY” (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-21
Strategic partnership agreement – WhatDoTheyKnow @MikeNolan I've been asked by @rossjones to point you at http://scou.se/~Gth (he's got some "want my 10kth tweet to be good" thing going on) – Adrian McEwen (amcewen) http://twitter.com/amcewen/status/61078438919933952 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@amcewen) Strategic partnership agreement – WhatDoTheyKnow Still no response from @LancashireCC over FOI request for info about Strategic Partnership:…
links for 2011-04-20
iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go | Technology | guardian.co.uk RT @bengoldacre: iPhone secretly records where you go http://bit.ly/fwYWHv this is foul, and requires an urgent response from Apple. (tags: via:packrati.us)
links for 2011-04-19
Roots WordPress Theme | Rapidly create sites with HTML5 Boilerplate and Blueprint CSS or 960.gs Very nice looking theme. (tags: wordpress html5 theme themes via:pip) Pecha Kucha style presentations required for Ignite Liverpool RT @Igniteliv: You interested in giving a Pecha Kucha style presentation for us http://j.mp/i80MFs (tags: via:packrati.us) Real Writing Jobs – Earn Extra…
links for 2011-04-18
IN FULL: Warren Bradley's resignation email – Liverpool Daily Post – Dale Street Blues RT @davidbartlett1: IN FULL: Warren Bradley's resignation email http://bit.ly/gY6yP6 (tags: via:packrati.us) mikenolan's Activities | RunKeeper Just completed a 6.61 km bike ride – First time cycling to work for far too long! http://rnkpr.com/aj5jlj #RunKeeper (tags: via:packrati.us RunKeeper) Google Apps Migration for…
links for 2011-04-16
Gordon Burns to step down from North West Tonight – North West Media News – How-Do Gordon Burns to leave North West Tonight: http://goo.gl/u56bR << only one thing for it… BRING BACK STUART HALL! (tags: via:packrati.us)