Michael Nolan

  • links for 2011-05-21

    Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link @MikeNolan http://bit.ly/mO9tXf – Barbabra Baits (barbabratpjt7) http://twitter.com/barbabratpjt7/status/71771310564450304 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@barbabratpjt7)

  • links for 2011-05-20

    First tweet with the new @edgehill logo[type]: https://twitter.com/edgehill/status/71572653336571904 First tweet with the new @edgehill logo[type]: https://twitter.com/edgehill/status/71572653336571904 (tags: via:packrati.us) Thinking Digital – Manchester Livecast – Cornerhouse @MikeNolan Are` you going to #TDC11 or you coming to Manchester Stream http://j.mp/imDadd – Defnetmedia (Defnetmedia) http://twitter.com/Defnetmedia/status/71473837438545920 (tags: via:packrati.us TDC11 via:@Defnetmedia)

  • links for 2011-05-19

    A comment for /node/114 – fantasticlife's posterous Worth reading @fantasticlife's post about URI identifier structuring: http://goo.gl/XdYee (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-05-16

    The Ice Book (HD) on Vimeo RT @ernyberny: This is amazing, a tiny paper theatre enhanced with projection. http://vimeo.com/19348564 (tags: via:packrati.us) Instagram RT @huey: So Miss Gaga. About that sign we put in your dressing room @ Radio 1's Big Weekend http://instagr.am/p/ES9So/ (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-05-15

    Theatre review: Macbeth, Everyman Theatre, Liverpool Thinking about going later in the month: http://t.co/3ekHsva /via @MariaBarrett (tags: via:packrati.us) Paul Bradshaw – This is what happens when you give away Lego with newspapers – TwitVid RT @paulbradshaw: This is what happens when you give away Lego with newspapers http://twitvid.com/YJSUD (tags: via:packrati.us) And what of art direction?…

  • links for 2011-05-12

    Your West Lancashire 2027 RT @Westlancsbc: Want to have your say on the future of #Westlancs? Consultation is now open – get involved! http://t.co/sfbSFq5 (tags: via:packrati.us Westlancs)

  • links for 2011-05-10

    Please, go and test your smoke Alarm today. Last night ours s… on Twitpic Proof muesli is bad for you! http://t.co/Dokxbrt /via @AnthonySterling (but shows importance of smoke alarms!) (tags: via:packrati.us) RT @nik: Anyone who runs a UK website (+uses cookies) read this now -> http://bit.ly/jBSin6 (cc @mikebutcher) RT @nik: Anyone who runs a UK…

  • links for 2011-05-09

    BBC – Newsnight: Paul Mason: NHS Reform: Goodbye Year Zero RT @BBCNewsnight: NHS reform: Goodbye year zero – @paulmasonnews blogs http://bbc.in/kK0MrI More on the programme tonight at 2230 on BBC … (tags: via:packrati.us) The PR campaign must fight counter-intuitive fees assumptions RT @marktweets: BIS fees PR campaign will have to fight counter-intuitive and emotional assumptions…

  • links for 2011-05-08

    Getting started with ‘The Wire’ « The Locked Room RT @AnthonySterling: If you still haven't seen "The Wire" and you're wondering what all fuss was/is about, check out this post by @david … (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-05-06

    Charlie Rose – Salman Khan of Khanacademy.org RT @khanacademy: Sal on Charlie Rose: http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/11658 (tags: via:packrati.us)