Michael Nolan

  • links for 2011-06-03

    Twtpoll :: Results for: Is Aldi's "Hooded Baby Towel" cruel or cute? http://goo.gl/Bg8DT (via @MikeNolan) @MikeNolan Your poll just closed! See the results @ http://twtpoll.com/r/ke8ypp (10 votes!) – Twtpoll Alerts (twtpoll_alerts) http://twitter.com/twtpoll_alerts/status/76521006122024960 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@twtpoll_alerts) Lomography at #igniteliv | Flickr – Photo Sharing! Lomography at #igniteliv http://flic.kr/p/9PJzGj (tags: via:packrati.us igniteliv) BBC News – Derby date…

  • links for 2011-06-02

    @MikeNolan http://tinyurl.com/3kc3dut @MikeNolan http://tinyurl.com/3kc3dut – Maitilde Albert (maitildedasgr5) http://twitter.com/maitildedasgr5/status/76209495805673472 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@maitildedasgr5) Our plans to support modern browsers across Google Apps – Official Gmail Blog Wow – Google dropping support for IE7: http://goo.gl/QFECD < should allow others to follow suit more easily. /via @richquick (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-06-01

    Map Insight Report Status After nearly three years #argleton has finally been wiped off the map… http://goo.gl/l0Dbn #via:@stedaniels (tags: argleton via:packrati.us via:@stedaniels) S.F. teen guilty in slaying on Metreon escalator RT @guyadams: Man "walks slowly" on escalator. Other man shoots him. http://bit.ly/jmyf72 Another great day for America's right to bear arms (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-05-30

    Easter muffins recipe – Recipes – BBC Good Food Made some of these muffins but without the coconut and jam crap. (tags: bbc food recipes muffins)

  • links for 2011-05-29

    The Don McLean Story: American Pie LipDub RT @doubleshiny: This is why I love humans http://bit.ly/jfChik (tags: via:packrati.us)

  • links for 2011-05-28

    @MikeNolan OMG Apple Macbook Pro super cheap check: http://amzn.to/ijTj4W?=mtg2 @MikeNolan OMG Apple Macbook Pro super cheap check: http://amzn.to/ijTj4W?=mtg2 – Alessandra Otterbine (Alessandrasie) http://twitter.com/Alessandrasie/status/74449815689379840 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@Alessandrasie)

  • links for 2011-05-27

    Twtpoll :: Is Aldi's "Hooded Baby Towel" cruel or cute? http://goo.gl/Bg8DT (via @MikeNolan) Aldi's "Hooded Baby Towel": cruel or cute? http://goo.gl/9QrDi (tags: via:packrati.us) Privacy | Edge Hill University (tags: edgehilluni privacy-uk-heis) Going Paper-Free for $220 / Steve Losh It would certainly stop my parents complaining every time they come over! (tags: via:@pip paperless)

  • links for 2011-05-25

    @MikeNolan Fine. Note @ewanmcintosh Slidecast (with audio) for #IWMW2008 also reused slides from previous event: http://slidesha.re/lJ84c3 @MikeNolan Fine. Note @ewanmcintosh Slidecast (with audio) for #IWMW2008 also reused slides from previous event: http://slidesha.re/lJ84c3 – Brian Kelly (briankelly) http://twitter.com/briankelly/status/73340233973895168 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@briankelly IWMW2008) @MikeNolan Was this a barcamp session at#IWMW209? More popular than plenaries: http://slidesha.re/m3Ud3s @MikeNolan Was…

  • links for 2011-05-24

    Social network for people of creative professions. @MikeNolan Will you give us an interview? resp: http://tinyurl.com/3jn9kxc – WHUB interviews (wh0_info9) http://twitter.com/wh0_info9/status/72875352212520960 (tags: via:packrati.us via:@wh0_info9)

  • links for 2011-05-23

    Audioboo / Eddie Mair putting Francis Maude on the spot: "what volunteering do you do?'' RT @Aiannucci: To commemorate today's 4th Big Society launch, here's France Maude again. Be inspired. http://bit.ly/eHso9y (tags: via:packrati.us) The Station With No Name Apparently @edgehillsu have a new radio station: http://ehu.ac.uk/tswnn (tags: via:packrati.us)