From yesterday. New blog post: A reply from my MP about the Digital Economy Bill http://is.gd/aM9DO Please write too.
– Liam Green-Hughes (liamgh) http://twitter.com/liamgh/statuses/10662163177 -
It's not St. Patty's Day http://paddynotpatty.com/
– Donncha O Caoimh (donncha) http://twitter.com/donncha/statuses/10643241728 -
@MikeNolan This kind of thing? http://bit.ly/dibODz I think it's pretty cool.
– mearso (mearso) http://twitter.com/mearso/statuses/10639059931 -
"Over 200 people are supporting a Facebook campaign to halt the removal of Edge Hill University's journalism degree."
links for 2010-03-18