@beerspotr pint:blackcurrentandlemonade pub:stationinn #notbeer #dontcare #thirsty #knackered http://flic.kr/p/842Vux
Will be heading up there this time next week. http://flic.kr/p/844X2h
My goodness it's warm today! Top of Pen-y-gent. http://flic.kr/p/841oae
RT @katebevan: Ahhha! Ashes to Ashes explained http://gu.com/p/2h727/tw via @Busfield (thanks, Steve!)
Lamest blog post eva in my @edgehill125 series: http://j.mp/cJvGcA
Compact and collegiate, warm and welcoming, innovative and inspiring, friendly and fun, vibrant, proud, (cont) http://tl.gd/1doqnn
– Mandy Phillips (m8nd1) http://twitter.com/m8nd1/statuses/14453117663
links for 2010-05-22